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Anthony Romano | Financial Consultant | Vaughan
Anthony Romano

Financial ConsultantIG Wealth ManagementVaughan, Ontario

In a world in which financial tools and data are easily accessible to all, we provide the professional financial advice that can harness the information and provide solutions that help our clients navigate the financial clutter. Professionals, business owners and retirees are at the core of our practice as we are focused on assisting these individuals with dynamic financial planning and holistic financial advice tailored to each client. Our experience, knowledge and integrity allows our clients to feel secure that their decision to work with us will lead to their financial success.

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Specialties ?
Most often advisors will have areas of specialities based on experience and training.

Planning for those with Disabilities Retirement Income Planning

Categories ?
We have four categories of advisors, including Money Coach, Financial Planner, Investment Advisor and Insurance Advisor

Financial Planner

Languages ?
Advisors will sometimes have proficiency in languages other than English and French


Provinces Licensed | Served ?
Occasionally advisors will be licensed in different provinces.


Certification/Additional Courses ?


Investment Products Offered ?
Some advisors are able to offer different types of investment products.

Annuity Bond Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) Mutual Fund Segregated Fund

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