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Mitchell Shields | Wealth Advisor | Oakville
Mitchell Shields

Wealth AdvisorCanaccord Genuity Wealth ManagementOakville, Ontario

Successful wealth management requires an integrated approach. The same rings true whether you are a business owner looking to move onto life’s next exciting project through sale or succession, or a family in the midst of passing your legacy forward to a new generation. Our role at Langsford Wealth Counsel is to make multi-generational wealth management and transfer seamless.

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Specialties ?
Most often advisors will have areas of specialities based on experience and training.

Business Owners Estate Planning Insurance Planning Investment Planning Estate Planning Investment Planning

Categories ?
We have four categories of advisors, including Money Coach, Financial Planner, Investment Advisor and Insurance Advisor

Financial Planner Investment Advisor

Languages ?
Advisors will sometimes have proficiency in languages other than English and French


Provinces Licensed | Served ?
Occasionally advisors will be licensed in different provinces.

Ontario Quebec

Certification/Additional Courses ?


Investment Products Offered ?
Some advisors are able to offer different types of investment products.

Annuity Bond Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) Mutual Fund Security Segregated Fund Stock

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