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Laura Woodman | Investment Advisor | WINNIPEG
Laura Woodman

Investment AdvisorIA SecuritiesWINNIPEG, Manitoba

I have been in the financial industry since 2007. I hold the Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) designation and the highest honour in Canadian financial services, the FCSI designation. My main focuses is in high-level investment strategies tailored to affluent clients. My mission is to give you financial peace of mind.

Number one priority is to preserve your wealth and number two would be to earn you a rate of return that matches your individual risk tolerance. I work primarily with families, entrepreneurs and farmers, balancing my time between my office in Stonewall and in Winnipeg.

This user account status is Approved

Categories ?
We have four categories of advisors, including Money Coach, Financial Planner, Investment Advisor and Insurance Advisor

Investment Advisor

Languages ?
Advisors will sometimes have proficiency in languages other than English and French


Provinces Licensed | Served ?
Occasionally advisors will be licensed in different provinces.


Certification/Additional Courses ?


Investment Products Offered ?
Some advisors are able to offer different types of investment products.

Mutual Fund

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